North Bello Resources

On 28 August 2022, residents of North Bellingen gathered together for a Big Flood Get Ready Meet up. These videos, maps and other materials were prepared for the event. We've posted them here as an ongoing resource for North Bellingen residents.


North Bellingen - Flood Tips Leaflet

North Bellingen - Flood Tips Leaflet Font Page



North Bellingen Big Flood Meet up - August 2022 - Introduction

North Bello Big Flood Get Ready Day - Presenter Kerry Pearse 


North Bellingen Big Flood Meet up - August 2022 - Flood mapping and possible scenarios

North Bello Big Flood Meet up - Presenter Ian Gilmore


North Bellingen Big Flood Meet up - August 2022 - SES Talk

North Bello Big Flood Get Ready Meet up - Presenter Strider Duerinckx


Flood Height Data

Historic Flood Heights - Table


Historic Flood Heights - Graph




These maps are based on simple calculations of flood height minus elevation to give an approximate depth at a given location. Stormwater runoff has not been taken into account. The maps should only be used to give a general idea of depths and inundation. The accuracy of the maps has not been calculated.

Map 1 - 1974 Flood Level (9.5 metres)


Map 2 - 1870 Existing Record Flood Height (11.5 metres)


Map 3 - Probable Maximum Flood Height (16.74 metres) 
Based on Lower Bellinger and Kalang Floodplain Management Study by WMAWater for Bellingen Shire Council 
* Note: The PMF is the largest flood that could conceivably occur at a particular location, usually estimated from probable maximum precipitation, and where  applicable, snow melt, coupled with the worst flood producing catchment conditions. For further detail see the Floodplain Management Study at the link above. 
